Sep 27, 2021
In my mind, the most crucial area to prepare a basketball player in is their feet and ankles. If they have the appropriate range of motion and stability in the feet and ankles, they can move efficiently. When the foot quickly strikes the ground, it tells the rest of the body what to do- making it essential to allow the...
Sep 20, 2021
Do you have a philosophy on how you want to train your basketball players for speed? If not, it is vital to create a philosophy with skills that can be practiced daily. Having a philosophy but not building a system to work on that philosophy isn't a successful way to coach. Join me as I share mine and give your ideas on...
Sep 13, 2021
Coaches must stop dominating training with conditioning. This means working in bursts of speed from 1-2 seconds, 3-5 seconds, or possibly 6-7 second bouts. Typically my drills last 1-3 seconds because I am attempting to maximize my players' speed and quickness. If the athletes are faster, they will be faster when tired....
Sep 6, 2021
It is critical to help communicate between players and coaches - have a language both players and coaches understand. When a coach uses general words, it can often lead to a lack of complete understanding. Using familiar terms to describe the exact movement you want the athlete to complete will give context and...