Oct 29, 2019
Duane dives into where he is now and how he was cultivated by many professionals who took the time to mentor him. Gain insight into how Duane’s early years as a performance facility owner led him to becoming an NFL Head Strength coach and head of performance for a major power-5 college.
Oct 22, 2019
Listen to how Eric's exploits early in his career in other sports led him to be one of the greatest baseball strength coaches, and overall strength coaches, in the profession. Eric even discusses how he developed his eye and uses it for a masterful job of assessing his athletes.
Oct 15, 2019
Listen to Justin share his experiences developing his staff and how he has been successful with managing his speed and performance facility. Justin also shares how he oversees working with youth athletes up through the elite professionals.
Oct 8, 2019
David Padilla gives us an idea of what is involved when it comes to the transition of being a college strength and conditioning coach to working in a sports performance facility environment.
Oct 1, 2019
If there is any doubt about how to work with youth athletes listen to Coach Gleason share how he engages athletes of all ages and abilities and makes them all feel world-class. Coach shares his process of making sure all his athletes take ownership of the training session and that means helping teach the other athletes...